Our App
At Club 11 Plus, we know how hard it can be to fit everything that needs to be done into our busy schedules, and however good our intentions, it's all too easy to let things slip! We've designed our programme so your child can access it either from a desktop PC, or on a tablet or phone via our awesome App, so they can do 11 Plus preparation wherever and whenever, whether they're at home, or out and about!
Because of the larger screen, we do recommend that your child uses our App on a tablet, rather than on a phone, but if you don't have a tablet available, our lessons and quizzes do all work perfectly on a phone, it's just that they're a bit harder to read!
If you want to access Club 11 Plus on your mobile device, first subscribe to our programme via this website, and then download our App onto your mobile device for free, either via the App Store for Apple devices, or Google Play for Android. Simply search for the Club11Plus app (on Google Play, it helps if you search for it as one word, with no spaces), or point your phone at the QR code below, and let your child harness the power of Club 11 Plus wherever they are!